Explore many kinds of best food and restaurants in Phnom Penh and other cities in Cambodia. You can find your nearest restaurants with ease, read the reviews and recommended menu by exploring our app.
Jongnhams mobile app is free and user-friendly.
- Browse restaurants by nearby location, specified location, type of food, and/or type of place.
- Find restaurants by name.
- Users can save favorite restaurants, rate and write a review.
- Share your recommended restaurants with friends on Facebook.
- View restaurants by list or by map.
- Find the best restaurants in Phnom Penh with recommended menu and reviews from other users.
- Learn useful information about food with our food blogs writen by Jongnhams team.
- Users can get discount by using restaurants coupon with Jongnhams App.
- Easy login/register with a Facebook account.
- Language options: English, Khmer, Japanese, Chinese
Start downloading Jonghams right now.
To make sure we are providing the best service to our lovely users in Cambodia, our team are strongly dedicated to keeping giving value to you.
- 按附近地点,指定地点,食物类型和/或地点类型浏览餐馆。
- 按名称查找餐馆。
- 用户可以保存最喜欢的餐馆,评价和撰写评论。
- 在Facebook上与朋友分享您推荐的餐厅。
- 按列表或地图查看餐馆。
- 寻找金边最好的餐厅,并提供推荐菜单和其他用户的评论。
- 通过Jongnhams团队撰写的食品博客了解有关食物的有用信息。
- 用户可以通过使用Jongnhams App的餐厅优惠券获得折扣。
- 轻松登录/注册Facebook帐户。
- 语言选择:英语,高棉语,日语,中文